Sunday, 29 January 2017


I'm sorry’; the extent to which the word can go is beyond what one can imagine. It’s good for one to come down from his high horse and say 'i’m sorry’. It solves a lot and saves one the energy of prolonging the issue. 'I’m sorry’, like my younger sibling would say “it’s a magic word”. It’s melts the heart.

But, is ‘I’m sorry’ enough?. It is not…when it is used wrongly…which is what most people do. Saying ‘I’m sorry’ is not enough if you repeat the thing that made you say ‘I’m sorry’ in the first place. Then, it defeats the purpose of saying it.

The key thing is to say ‘I’m sorry’ and mean it- by not repeating it again. If you do repeat it….your ‘I’m sorry’ is “just a pinch of salt”.