Sunday, 29 January 2017


For the compulsory one year enslavement Nigerian youths are forced into, I serve in ondo state(lolz).

I discovered while staying here that ondo people still live in the past (Oops let me use a more friendly term like fetish). They still carry out archaic festival rites where it is believed women shouldn’t come out to see certain masquerades.

I got bored and was chatting with a friend and he told me that civilization is tradition. He said he wasn’t willing to sell the fact to me but i bought it anyways without him knowing( smiles).

What is believed to be civilization today is the western tradition or rather culture. As an African or rather a Nigerian do i prefer deep tradition or civilization?.

Deep tradition would mean no phones ( can i give my phone up……….thinking) knowing i will not be blogging now if there was no phones is making me have second thoughts lol. I probably would have been in one forest half dressed in leaves, probably will not have beds to sleep on, probably will have different marks drawn on my face or probably would have been born among the Zulu people and be greeting like them(i.say this not because i have anything against their way of greeting but because i harbor a secret desire to learn the greeting. Did i just spill that lol). All these sounds funny and interesting.

Though i like civilization because it has helped to make life easy but thinking about deep tradition still makes me remember the taste “bitter sweet”. Anyways I am indifferent to the two because i was born when civilization has taken place may be if i was born when we still had our traditions very much alive i would have appreciated it more but none the less i still appreciate our tradition.

I will like to say that civilization has brought in a lot of changes in all but truth is some traditions will always be kept no matter how much of civilization we borrow.  Though civilization is embraced we still and will always have our traditions.