Saturday, 11 March 2017


My mom is a lover of animals. She likes to keep them around ranging from dogs, chickens to any kind-of animals that can be kept as pets.

We have some set of chickens and just like it is in humans,  animals can tell their seniors from their juniors. There is this chick that is about 3 weeks old, it is very stubborn or do I say it has a very strong will to live?. The chick is bullied by all the other chickens but the oldest, a cock, shows no mercy. It will bite the chick to the extent that the hair on it falls off leaving just bare skin.

At a point I was scared the chick has some sort of disease or something but that wasn't the case. When it's time for the chickens to be fed, they will all bully the chick, but it will still try to get the little food it can get.

So finally the day of freedom came. The cock was killed and used to make sweet stew (lol) and that was when the hair on the chick started to grow. All the other chickens were not so much of a bully.

Lessons learnt
In life most times we are faced with challenges and each time you keep at it with no positive result. You get depressed, you try again, same no effectual result. Those challenges are bullies and will not last long just like the cock.  A day of freedom will come and just the way the chick survived the harsh weather conditions without hair on its skin, if you hold on a little longer, you will break through. The chick became stronger, the challenges will make you stronger and stronger till you can scale through. Life is a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up. It doesn't get easier,  we get stronger.

Comments are welcomed.......kisses and hugs.