Wednesday, 22 March 2017


Writing this now reminds me of the time when I was sick and had to be given drip. So I made up my mind to watch the drip till it finishes and told myself to not fall asleep. After a few minute my eyes felt heavy but I made sure to keep it open the more and just then the nurse walked in and said "you not sleeping yet, I expected you would have fallen asleep by now because I had injected sleeping pills into your drip". All I did was smile back at her.

Unknowingly I had made up my mind to stay awake and trust me when I say it was a long watch. It felt like the drip wasn't dripping (lol.... I don't know if there is any English like that) but watch I must. I kept a blank mind and watched it drip. Finally it ended and I smiled that I won over the sleeping injection. My WILL to stay awake had help me win (smiles).

I woke up on Monday morning to the news of a 35years old medical Doctor Who had jumped off the third mainland bridge on Sunday afternoon and drowned. He had a driver and he had a jeep. The news was everywhere. Everybody talking about it. And by Monday evening I was listening to a show on radio and the anchor spoke on the issue again and said he thinks this is the time that people must embrace God. People committing suicide everywhere and the rate was becoming alarming. I just felt well it's old gist if anyone hasn't met God yet. It way past time anyone met him but its never too late (winks).

My first thoughts were one unfulfilled life gone,  how much of a challenge was he going through (I mean anyone would have thought he had a comfortable life seeing that he drove a jeep and he had a driver), if he had friends, why he thought he wasn't strong enough to scale through that challenge, his family, if he was an introvert, his siblings, how bad his depression was, if he had no one to talk to, if there was nobody around who could have stopped him from jumping, his years in school studying medicine, his parents, where he worked, his future, his purpose in life and why he thought it had ended for him, how far he had come already in life, why he thought suicide was the best option, why he choose to die the hardest way anyone could ever die (suicide), so many thoughts crossed my mind.

I had said in one of my post "Euthanasia" that I never support mercy killing and I just think that mercy killing and suicide is one and the same. First thing first is life that cannot be created should not be taken so why suicide.

I just believe we could never have more than we can handle. We could get tired....yes, we could get frustrated.....yes, we could feel depressed.....yes, feel like the world has ended.....yes, get very confused too....... yes, get alot of annoying and irritating feeling.... yes but to win you mustn't give up, to scale through you must stand strong, to have the last laugh you mustn't give up, to live again you must stand strong and  to love again you mustn't give up.

Fortunately I just discovered that we could celebrate happiness (lol) . Monday 20th of March was international World happiness day and I thought about all the things we think could really make us happy. I kept thinking, trying to find what makes us happy and I found there was nothing. Nothing really makes us happy. If you want to be happy, then just be happy. Really nothing makes us happy other than to just happy. There are few choices we make in life; we don't get to make the choice of the kind of challenges we face or if we should or if we want to face a challenges but we could make the choice to be happy. Consciously make that choice everyday so don't give in to that depression.

 Just like I had the will to win over the sleeping pills, we could win over our challenges and just the way I had kept a blank mind watch the drip for long till it finished, we could just clear out out minds and watch everything play out. It always definitely has an end.  Nobody ever said life was going to be easy but we get stronger.

Comments are welcomed......kisses and hugs.