Friday, 3 February 2017


I  have a friend who always gives me this reply "it's not pride that goes before a fall but arrogance" each time I tell him pride goes before a fall (smiles). He will go further to explain that it's a misinterpretation of the Bible from the Greek language to English language(lol). I agree with him since I know that too much of pride is arrogance and I also know that to live life, we need a certain amount of pride.

Recently, I saw a turkey walking on the street and when it saw other chickens, it started to show off all its glorious feathers and walking like her royal highness. I watched and didn't know when I smiled really hard. It was interesting watching the show of power between two creatures of the same famil(birds). Unfortunately for the turkey other than me and other passersby who watched briefly, the chickens cared less for all the glorious walk the turkey was showing off (lol).

There is a common saying in the Yoruba language (ígàrá turkey). This means turkey's pride and it is used majorly on people who have a show of too much pride (arrogance). So what do I conclude a Turkey's pride to be : act of arrogating, making undue claim in an overbearing manner, exorbitant claim of rank, contempt of others, lordliness,exalting your importance to an undue degree, haughtiness, self assumption, presumption and feeling indispensable.

I remembered seeing a peacock a long time ago. A little before the age of ten or a little above the age of ten in all of its glory. I still remember it's bright colours and large feathers. Comparing a peacock to a turkey now, I know the peacock has much bigger and brighter feathers than that of a turkey. I remember watching and smiling too. Unfortunately for the peacock there was no peahen around (lol). But I enjoyed watching the display.

Peacocks are believed to show off their feathers as an act of vanity but it's not. Peacocks fan out their feathers for a completely different reason than people think (it's a form of courtship ritual to attract a mate) . So what do I conclude a peacocks pride to be: self respect, unwilling to accept humiliation, being a unique individual, not accepting less, not succuming to pressures, not feeling inadequate, courageous, self worth,  self esteem, confidence, bravery and bold.

Sometimes when people choose to not be disrespected, they say it's pride. No!!!  I disagree. Self pride is different from arrogance just the way the peacock and turkey fan out their feathers for different reasons. Unlike the turkey that shows off it's feather to either pick a fight or to protect it's food, you can use your peacock pride to attract the right kind of people (lol). You can influence a person's attitude towards you. A person who has no self respect will not know how to give respect to others. So use your peacock pride well (lol).

Did I mention that I like to eat turkey and I have never eaten a peacock before (lol). Now that I said that is peacock edible (thinking.....smiles).

Agree or disagree comments are welcomed (kisses and hugs).