I was having a chat with my neighbor on upbringing and the right attitude of children in the home, then she quoted the popular scripture people like to quote "train up a child in the way he should go that when he is old, he will not depart from it".
Then I remembered a long time ago someone said the same scripture but asked a question that stucked in my brain till today. He said when the Bible said train on the way the child should go, that who really knows the way a child should go. I haven't really thought much about it after that day.
But really who knows the way a child should go; mother, father, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunty, society, environment, school, the community, age group, peer group, teachers, neighbors, friends e.t.c. The list can go on.
We have seen over time and it has been repeated severally some children get the best of home training but derailed when they got older, we have seen some children whose parents have bad attitude themselves but has the best character like they got the best home training ever.
Some parents are hard on their children thinking its the best way to put them on the right part while some handle them with Care thinking also that it is the best way to put them on the right part. Don't get me wrong all on the list above has influence on a child life but there is a greater influence. Some people just say that scripture like its a parable without even knowing that it's a passage in the Bible. There is only one great influence on our life and that is "our creator". He is the one that knows the right way we should go and he help mould our lives to take that route so that when we are old we will not depart from it.
Agree or disagree comments are welcomed......kisses and hugs.