Sunday, 29 January 2017


I never knew one could get so attached to something. I have always been the type that hates dogs and didn’t want them close bye. This was partly because I was scared of them.

The opposite of this was my mum. she loves dogs and likes to have them around. she has always wanted to bring one home but she didn’t partly because of me. she waited till I was old enough.

Precisely on the second of January this year, she brought home a white male puppy. I didn’t go close to it and refused to pass by it. she went out the next day and asked me to take care of it  and feed it milk; this was when my life with it started.

I still kept away from it. It kept crying because it was hungry. I couldn’t stand it and my heart went to it. I decided to get over my fear since my heart was breaking over it tears. I started to want to take care of,then i adjusted to having it around.

It will keep me company when I’m bored .It will walk me to a safe distance before going back home when i’m going out. when I come back also it will welcome me by running all over me and wagging it tail. It also did crazy stuffs like taking slippers left at doorstep,tearing doormat,pulling clothes down from clothesline and many other things that i hated but then I loved it more.

Even when I was away in school for a short while, whenever i call home I’ll ask after it. when i came back home for the holidays I thought it won’t recognize me but it did. for that i loved it even more.

All these was short lived because it died a few months later. I got really sad and it was difficult to get over it. It was like i lost my best friend. After a while, i realized it was actually my best friend and i did lost my best friend. I cried a lot.

Everywhere around the house got really quite and words like “SEAT”, “STOP IT”, “TIME TO EAT”, “TIME TO BATHE” were no longer heard screamed by me. I would go out and expect to see it or for it to walk me out but then i would remember it is dead. writing about it now has brought bitter sweet memories and thinking about how i got attached to it, I have come to believe that there is really a thin line between love and hate. The person you love this minute, you could hate the next, and the person you hate now, you could love the next minute.